Think, build, engage

Hi there, my name is Uyen Phan. I specialize in UX and visual design. I also have experience in front-end development and digital marketing. Currently based in San Francisco, I've worked with a range of companies—from startups to established enterprises—on design solutions to grow their products, drive their brand forward, and enhance people’s lives.

AppDynamics web experience thumbnail

AppDynamics web experience

Establishing a new design system and global brand for a $3.7 billion leader in application performance management.

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AppDynamics signup flow thumbnail

AppDynamics signup flow

Creating a flexible and user-friendly signup experience.

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UXCam dashboard thumbnail

UXCam dashboard

Enabling product teams to improve the end-user experience of their mobile applications.

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Latest work

Learning without limits. See my latest freelance and side projects.

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About me

I am driven to shape the future of design by creating new paradigms for how we interact with technology and with each other. I’m excited by opportunities to step out of my comfort zone and have a wide range of experience in design—from digital products to architecture and public art.

I moved to the Bay Area in 2014 to pursue opportunities in building products that can have positive impact on a broad scale. Over the past few years, I've led UX and visual design at companies in spaces as diverse as application performance, cloud security, usability analytics and service-exchange platforms. As the first designer on several teams, I’ve built the foundation for scalable processes to deliver high quality design solutions on aggressive schedules. 

With my background in architecture and public art, I have a passion for creating meaningful journeys with thoughtful transitions and moments of surprise. Designing physical spaces taught me several skills that I now apply to digital product design: understanding different user needs, developing strong concepts, and knowing when to break the rules.

I grew up in Minnesota, studied at Yale, immersed myself in the design-obsessed culture of Scandinavia, and am now living in the Bay Area. Along with my passion for user-centered design, I’m a habitual thought experimenter and blue-sky thinker. I love feeling overwhelmed by spells of nostalgia and see the exotic in everyday living.

Find out more on LinkedIn or view my resume.

Get in touch

I'm always open to working on new challenges and meeting fellow design, interactive art, and live music enthusiasts. Don't hesitate to message me at

Drop me a line
First redesign pages