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I’m interested in working on hard design problems in emerging product spaces that have the potential for broad, positive impact. I love what I do, so I'm constantly seeking opportunities to learn something new. Check out some of my recent work below.

DroneDeploy multi-device design


DroneDeploy is a cloud software platform that enables users to plan drone flights, capture imagery, process maps & 3D models, and analyze data. The platform serves customers across a wide range of industries, including agriculture, construction, drone services, and inspection mining.

Why redesign

The ability to interact with something remotely presents many interesting design challenges. Great solutions give users a sense of control and freedom to fully leverage a new technology.

The existing DroneDeploy application has been thoughtfully designed and executed across multiple platforms and devices, but there is still room for improvement. Below is a case study offering potential solutions to address some of the current usability issues, as well as ideas to enhance the multi-device experience.

Disclaimer: I do not work for, nor am I affiliated with DroneDeploy. This case study was done as an educational experience to improve my skills.

Product space

DroneDeploy is designed for commercial area mapping, imaging, and data analysis. The product space includes several companies with varying capabilities; some applications provide pre-defined flight templates for convenience while others allow for greater path control and waypoint-specific behaviors (change in altitude or camera angle). Enterprise-level applications even provide fleet management capabilities (schedule, assign, and dispatch drones). Additionally, there are tools that can pull up flight conditions, discover potential obstructions, and notify users about nearby airspace restrictions.

I researched and tested several competitors' applications to better understand the product space. The chart below summarizes my findings.

Competitor analysis chart

Competitor analysis chart

The research uncovered DroneDeploy's key differentiators and provided clarity on what kind of problems the platform is trying to solve. For instance, DroneDeploy does not position itself as a fleet management or cinematography application (with advanced path and camera control). The platform does not claim to be an all-in-one product, but instead connects to a growing list of third party applications to extend its capabilities. Establishing the product positioning in this manner helps to guide feature tradeoffs and inform design decisions.

It's also important to note that advertised capabilities can differ from how features are implemented, meaning a product with a long list of features may actually offer a subpar user experience. Based on customer reviews, DroneDeploy stands out among its competitors for its ease of use, accurate data processing, and attentive customer service.

Core users

To guide my design decisions, I compiled a list of needs described by users in DroneDeploy's case studies on aerial mapping in agriculture. The resulting provisional persona is purely based off of my interpretation and should be validated with additional user research.

Provisional persona

Provisional persona based on existing case studies

Current design

DroneDeploy released a new design in March 2017 with the following goals: 

  • Unify automated flight planning and map analysis in one mobile app.
  • Create a seamless multi-device experience that allows users to easily learn, understand, and switch between devices.
  • Optimize for mobile context of use - better contrast for outdoor light conditions, larger tap targets, and maximized map viewing area.
  • Make key functionality prominent and recognizable.
  • Give users more control in flight planning.
Current DroneDeploy design

Current design (released in March 2017)

Issues with mobile

While the new design attempts to bridge all devices, the optimal viewing experience appears to be on tablet and desktop screens. A number of features are more difficult to use on smaller screen sizes. I read through customer reviews for both the iOS and Android apps to gain more insight on these issues. The top pain points and underlying user needs are:

The side panel covers the map viewing area on mobile devices, meaning users have to switch back forth between the two to see how settings like flight direction and laps affect the flight plan. Because information is scattered across different views, it's also difficult to understand how adjusting settings and editing the flight plan affect key metrics (flight duration, map area, resolution, etc.).

Several users expressed interest in having the ability to quickly abort a flight if necessary. Safety is an understandable concern because drones are expensive, technology can be finicky, and flight conditions are often volatile.

Customers (particularly those using the Android app) are frustrated by the occasional failure to launch their drones and/or take photos; by app crashes in mid-flight; and by incorrect syncing between the device and web.

Design can help to alleviate these pain points. Certain issues however, like app instability and crashes, warrant further investigation beyond the scope of design.

Improving the multi-device experience

If DroneDeploy's goal is to have a seamless multi-device experience, with emphasis on “having all your data in your pocket”, the mobile user experience could be further improved. Consistency across devices helps to reduce the learning curve to use an application, but should not be at the expense of the user experience at certain screen sizes.


  • Create the optimal viewing experience for each device by accommodating device-specific attributes (screen size, input method, context of use, etc.)
  • Empower users to feel in control and confident when using the DroneDeploy application.


I made decisions based on the following guidelines for the user experience:

  • Build up competency: provide support and appropriate feedback for actions so that users can quickly master flight planning and map analysis.
  • Reduce complexity and cognitive load: make sensible deductions, provide intuitive defaults and learn what’s most important, follow real-world conventions, make information appear in a natural and logical order.
  • Prioritize tasks: help users focus by organizing elements based on what is important. Use visual hierarchy to create layouts that are easy to digest.


Users are trying to accomplish three main tasks with DroneDeploy: plan flights, capture images, and analyze data. I brainstormed ways to provide the optimal experience for each task at different screen sizes while maintaining a cohesive and consistent design system.

User flow

Although I didn't make significant changes to the existing user flow, I tried to consider the entire experience that users go through—including the steps before or after they use the application:

Proposed user flow


I opted for a mobile-first design approach because the constraints of a small screen help to clarify feature priority and visual hierarchy. For instance, what information and functions need to be accessible in one screen without scrolling or expanding a panel? Different configurations can work, but I chose to limit the amount of variation in the design pattern to reduce cognitive load (i.e., settings and other key functions are always at the bottom of the screen for mobile devices, alerts and flight metrics are at the top).

From there, I extended the design pattern to larger screens.

Wireframes of key screens
Multi-device design pattern

Sketches, wireframes and multi-device design pattern


The following ideas address the underlying needs behind customer pain points, expand upon the latest design goals, and are based on common usability heuristics. An interactive prototype can be downloaded here (can only be viewed on iOS devices and requires a free download of the Flinto viewer app). Note that not everything is clickable.

1) Dashboard

DroneDeploy's home screen is a dashboard with a list of a user's maps and flight plans. To help manage scenarios where this list becomes very long, I added bulk editing options. I also added a map/list toggle so that users can quickly identify a site by visual memory instead of having to recall the map name. Since users may repeatedly map a number of sites within the same general location, maps that are close in proximity are grouped together with a count displayed next to the location pin.

Dashboard mobile design

Map/list toggle and bulk editing options

Dashboard desktop design

Dashboard design for desktop

2) Plan a flight

To plan a successful flight, users need to understand how to configure different settings with respect to their drone's capabilities. It can be a challenging process for both newcomers and experienced drone pilots to get the best map images for different situations.

The existing DroneDeploy flight planning experience on mobile poses some issues for "recognition over recall" (one of the ten usability heuristics outlined by Jakob Nielson). Key functions and settings that require a visual check of the map can only be adjusted with the side panel expanded, thus covering the map.

I adjusted the layout to preserve the map view so that users can see how changes to the flight plan and settings affect key metrics (flight duration, acres covered, etc.). Alerts can also notify users about nearby obstructions or if a flight requires multiple battery swaps or extends beyond drone range limits. Immediate and appropriate feedback in this manner enables users to gain confidence in planning flights.

Finally, I created new modals that contain information to help users understand different functions and settings.

Flight planning mobile design
Flight planning mobile design

User flow for first-time users

Flight planning desktop design

Planning flights on desktop with the most relevant settings in one view

3) Fly

When users are ready to start a flight, they need to feel certain about what each action will do and have easy access to all relevant information about the flight progress. I redesigned the flight screens to provide users with more control so that they can quickly respond to changes in flight conditions, drone status, etc.

Flight mobile design
Flight mobile design

Flight user flow

Flight desktop design

Pre-flight safety check on desktop

4) Analyze

Completed maps are embedded with several information-rich layers. Users need to quickly and easily access this information, especially while on the go. A clearly structured mobile layout is thus key for users to fully leverage map data.

As with other tasks, certain functions need a visual check of the map. I redesigned the layout so that users can see both a view of the map and an information panel (that can be swiped up to reveal additional functions/settings).

Map details mobile design

Three distinct panels allow users to access different layers of map information

Map details desktop design

Map details on desktop with information organized in a clear structure

Future development

Drones are pushing the boundaries of what's possible—from commercial applications to creative experiments in cinematography and choreographed performances. Over the past few years, drones have become more accessible and easier to operate. Bulky radio controllers are now replaced by sleek web/mobile applications and even pens.

Interfaces need to adapt to new applications and new contexts. Drone deployment and mapping services take on especially difficult problems: handling many steps across multiple devices and platforms.

This redesign gave me a chance to address a few of those hard problems. It was especially rewarding to learn about the mechanics of flight and best practices for mapping. Next steps would be to validate the designs with user testing. Does the design pattern allow users to better understand how to use the platform? Are there other things that could help build a user's confidence in planning flights and capturing images? The responses to these questions could have more general implications for the design of interactions with objects remotely through multi-device applications.